The Coach House Visitor Centre at St Dogmaels Abbey


Tel. 01239 615389

Hanes Llandoch War Memorial Project


In early 2012 a lady called at the Coach House to ask for the whereabouts of the village War Memorial. She was from Aberystwyth and was looking for the Memorial to see whether a relative of hers, who lived in the village and died during WWI was remembered on the Memorial.

This was the catalyst for us to start a project to replace the external Memorial which had been destroyed, beyond repair, in a lorry accident in 1966, and eventually forgotten about. There are wooden Memorial Tablets on the wall inside the Village Memorial Hall, but these are incomplete recording only 51 names out of a total, found so far, of 87.

Click here to see some of the names identified

A notice was circulated throughout the village to gauge the support for a new one and over 100 signatures were received in support. We then, under the umbrella of Hanes Llandoch, set up a Planning Group in June 2012 to start the process of raising money which, at that time, seemed to be the most important thing to start.

Fund Raising

A number of fund raising events have been arranged since 2012 and include:

  • Regular 2nd. Hand Books Stall and Bric-a-Brac at the Tuesday Local Producers Market and Festive Events.
  • Cheese and Wine evening, Cream Tea afternoon, Cawl a Chanu evening and Tea Party supported by Barclays Bank and 2 Coffee Mornings.
  • Heritage Lottery Fund grant of £10,000.
  • Donations from Community Council, Poppit Sheep Shareholders, Royal British Legion - Cardigan Women's Section Branch, Evergreen Club, Hanes Llandoch History Society, Abbey Shakespeare Players, Local collection by Trefor Griffiths and Local PO collection and many personal donations by families of WWI & II casualties.
  • Christmas and Easter Hampers provided by Helen Rees of Foxhill Farm.
  • Local Celebrity Concert in St. Thomas's Church.
  • Glen Johnson themed village life slideshow during the War Years.
  • Tombola at the Village festival by Helen Rees.
  • Tapas evening in October 2014.

The new memorial is located at the junction of Feidr Fawr and the Maes Hyfryd Road, see googlestreetmap


The Design for the War Memorial



Lieutenant General Jonathan Riley, C. B., D. S. O., unveils the
new memorial, following a dignified and moving address.

Photograph Courtesy of Glen Johnson

The Lord Lieutenant lays the first wreath at the new memorial.
Photograph Courtesy of Glen Johnson
Gentlemen of the clergy - Rev. Eric Rhys Williams;
Rev. Canon Seamus Cunnane; Rev. Gareth Morris;
Rev. Canon D. Tizzard; The Right Rev. Bishop Saunders Davies,
with Cllr. Mike James.
Photograph Courtesy of Glen Johnson
Building In Progress
Cllr. Ian Gollop reads the list of the fallen -
now more than eighty names.
Photograph Courtesy of Glen Johnson


Building In Progress
Lieutenant General Jonathan Riley - the perfect choice for
unveiling the memorial - with Mrs. Riley and the real driving
force behind the whole project - Mr. Arthur Walters.
Photograph Courtesy of Glen Johnson

For more inofrmation on St Dogmaels War Memorial Project click here to visit the
West Wales War Memorial Project/Pembrokeshire/St Dogmaels War Memorial website





Monday 10:00-4:00
Tuesday 9:00 - 3.00
Wednesday 10:00-4:00
Thursday 10:00-4:00
Friday 10:00-4:00
Saturday 10:00-4:00

Entry to the Abbey is Free but donations to the charity are always welcome.


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